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Blow Moulding Machine

Double Station Blow Moulding Machine KLB45D

high quality Double Station Blow Moulding Machine, Double Station Blow Moulding Machine Supplier, Double Station Blow Moulding Machine Company
Double Station Blow Moulding Machine KLB45D
Double Station Blow Moulding Machine KLB45D



KLB45D extrusion blow molding machine, which is produced by our company, is mainly applicable to the production of blowing barrels, motorcar gasoline tank, toolbox and other large plastic hollow products.
It consists of main machine, electric, hydraulic, pipe and other selection functional parts.
The main machine in including: extrusion device; accumulator head; clamping unit; frame; functional blowing device (optional); and manipulator (optional), etc.
Electric system in including: the heating and temperature controlling system of die-head and extruder; parison controlling system (optional); PLC and related
safe-guarding system.
Hydraulic system: hydraulic supply and its pressure, direction, flow controlling parts.
Pipeline parts: distribution of machine pipe, including oil, water and air pipe.
The shaping principle is “extruding- blowing”.The extruder adopts inverter to adjust、the speed to get the great timing range, which could meet the producing requirements for different products. The fused plastic plasticized by the extruder, is extrude into the accumulator head. When it reaches a certain volume, parison controller (optional) will constantly change the opening range of the die. And then it is injected into mould and blown out the products. Finally the manipulator (optional) will take the product out. Thus a complete circle finished.
This machine optional function parts are including: bottom blowing device, manipulator, and parison controller, which are subject to the configurations of the purchase order.

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