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Food Equipment

Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)

Mushroom Chocolate Machine, Mushroom Chocolate Equipment, Mushroom Chocolate Manufacturer, Mushroom Chocolate Supplier
Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)
Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)
Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)
Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)
Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 Colors)



Biscuit Chocolate
  Depositing Speed Moulds Power  Cooling Water Tower Dimension
No.1.1 6-10 moulds/min(based on mould layout) 350 sets 36.5 Kw ≥15 T 17.4m* 1.3m* 2.4m
No.1.2 6-10 moulds/min(based on mould layout) 350 sets 43.0 Kw ≥15 T 18.9m* 1.3m* 2.4m
No.1.3 6-10 moulds/min(based on mould layout) 400 sets 48.5 Kw ≥15 T 19.7m* 1.3m* 2.4m
No.1.4 6-10 moulds/min(based on mould layout) 400 sets 56.0 Kw ≥15 T 22.7m* 1.3m* 2.4m

Decoration & Biscuit Lollipop Line(3 colors) (Type:DB1)

1.      Manage and feed biscuit automatically

2.      Two colors for decoration and one color for bottom

3.      Decorating various products at the same time

4.      Capacity: ≤300pcs/min.

5.      One shot function

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