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Wooden Toys

Children Canvas Hanging Swing 88-77

high quality
Children Canvas Hanging Swing 88-77
Children Canvas Hanging Swing 88-77
Children Canvas Hanging Swing 88-77


  • ATTRACTIVE DESIGN: Comes with length adjustable rope, and the detachable cushion feel more comfortable and safety. We believe your child will have more fun to play with it.
  • SATISFACTORY QUALITY: We focus on looking for long time and acquire wood & canvas for our Swing, the durable structure and comfortable design will accompanied your child for the whole childhood.
  • REASSURING: Especially Designed for children from 6 mouths to 3 years old, that made of Durable Canvas and High Quality wood, Ensure your children’s safety when they play with our swing.
  • ENJOY HAPPINESS EVERYWHERE: Children can play with our swing whether it’s inside the house or outside. No matter hang it on your ceiling or Trapeze Table/ garden tree, our swing can bring laughter and joy.
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